"Project Ballista"
The Ballista Project
A unique team-building exercise
revolving around Excellence in product
mastery, measurement, and improvement
What is the link between siege machines from Antiquity, the Apollo 13 crew’s extraordinary journey back to Earth and our own ability to master and improve our daily working processes?
The Ballista Project uniquely combines an innovative interactive “business game” (you shoot projectiles with a catapult!) and training sessions illustrated with the Apollo 13 mission case study (with sound and video from the period).
Two to five teams of four to five people each use a catapult to overcome the worst enemy of every work process: variance and inconsistent results. The objective of the day isn’t to shoot as far as possible, but to improve aim. The game has four phases. The teams learn to identify, master, measure and improve the process throughout the day as well as to document it and move from development to production phase.

Team Building – Ballista Project – 1 Day
The training sessions and game stimulate and reinforce:
- Rigour and performance measurement
- Creativity and innovation
- Teamwork and cooperation
- Oversight, documentation, and work process management
- Continuous improvement
- Communication and empowerment
- Learning from mistakes
- Employees are busy throughout the day
- The game evolves continuously
- There is an excellent balance between training sessions and the business game
All of this is accomplished in a day that includes discovery, collective action and lots and lots of fun!
But this day also logically fits in with the process of improving Excellence after the kick-off part (see the Excellence module) of some workshops. In these team-building sessions, we take what many people often see as a very dry topic – product mastery and improvement – and look at it in a fun and educational way.
Target Audience:
All employees.

Nothing can replace personal contact and information tailored to your needs.
Take a moment to contact Philippe Leman +32 (0)473 92 79 39 or send us your request.